YOUR Weight Loss Journey: How to Get and Stay Motivated

If you are reading this, then you are at least THINKING about beginning a weight loss journey. You may have already started but are at that point where you plateaued, it is not exciting anymore, or quite frankly, it has become too much work! So let’s discuss some tips to get and stay motivated!


Why are you doing this? Cosmetic reasons aside, is there a health goal you want to achieve? Quality of life? Longevity? Figure out what is important to you and DEFINE it! Write it down. Live it.


This does not have to be a number on the scale. It can be as simple as “I am going to work out 3 times this week”, consuming your recommended water intake daily, dietary changes. Make sure goals are achievable. Achieving even small goals is highly motivating. If you don’t achieve it in your allotted time frame, change the time frame! Don’t give up!


See your success. Make a clear mental image of what the end result looks like to you. Imagine yourself at your ideal weight, feeling confident with increased energy. Revisit this frequently.


Diversify your workout, your diet, and your daily routine. This will make your journey more enjoyable. Being disciplined doesn’t mean you have to be boring! Try new recipes, try a new workout. If you usually do a lot of cardio, add some weight training. This will also challenge your body and help avoid those dreaded plateaus.


Look beyond the scale. Body measurements, clothing sizes, protein intake, sleep, and mood. These are just some examples of trackable data that will give you insight into your overall health and wellness. If you are really motivated, keep a journal!


Reach a goal, get a reward. Treat yourself! A massage, a facial, a new wardrobe item. Avoid food as a reward, this will undermine your progress by making food the non-focal point of your life. Try upping the ante, for example, when you reach a certain goal, try a new activity, like cycling, or adding running to your daily walks. Celebrate the small things as well as the major milestones.


A support system. Surround yourself with people who support you and will keep you accountable. Ditch the negative, keep the positive. Look for online support groups that build you up, not tear you down, or don’t believe in what YOU have decided is your path to help. Let your healthcare professional guide you.


Knowledge is power! LEARN about what your food choices mean, proteins, carbs, fat. Get to know vitamins and supplements which will enhance and promote your experience.


Truth, it is a marathon, not a sprint. Challenges and setbacks are opportunities for growth. Change is never easy.

Staying motivated requires self-awareness, daily introspection, versatility, and goal setting. Remember, you are not alone! Consistency is key. Changes made today will be wonderful in your future.